Monday, August 15, 2005

And so it begins ...

Well, I've finally started my year off and so I thought I really ought to get my blog started as well (although this is really a new start for the blog for those of you who have been paying attention!).

For those of you who haven't already heard, I made the decision to take a year off whilst travelling in Peru for a month last year (for you guys on the Budget Expeditions tour - it's all your fault!). Several people tried to talk me out of it but it's something I've been meaning to do for a long time and finally decided I ought to get on and do it. After lots of going back and forth, I finally decided on the following route:

USA (including Hawaii) - 2 months
Fiji - 3 weeks
New Zealand - 2 1/2 months
Australia - 3 months
China - 1 month
South East Asia (Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore) - 2 months

This will bring me back to the UK at the end of July 2006. It still leaves lots of places to visit (in particular Africa and a return visit to South America) but those will have to wait for another time. It's a bit of a simple start with only English-speaking countries but at least it gives me a chance to get used to travelling again without having to worry about whether I can get a room!

Spent the final few months sorting out what I was going to take (and what I would have to leave behind!). Also got fully jabbed up - not sure there are any more shots that I could take!

Also did the rounds of leaving meals and parties. Still not convinced that having a party on the Saturday night before travelling on the Monday was a particularly good idea (the hangover on the Sunday didn't help with the clearing up!). At least it gave me a chance to say goodbye to everyone though.

Made some last minute decisions about what to take, in particular my mobile phone. I originally was going to leave it at home to save on carrying it and the charger everywhere. However, as I was driving myself to the Heathrow, I decided to take it with me in case my car broke down. Including it turned out to be very fortunate (but you will have to read about that later).

As it was the journey to Heathrow was very uneventful (and so it should be at 6 o'clock in the morning!). Flight over the Atlantic was fine as well, apart from the fact that you had to sort yourself out with food beforehand (British Airways caterers were on strike).

Landed in New York, where I am planning to spend the first four days but that is going to be the subject of the next post.

I also have a photo site which will be updated whenever I can download the photos to it. It is at:


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